40년 경력 전문 인쇄 제본 회사 파주출판 2단지 위치

2024 LBF

Welcome to Sangjisa P&B ! Our book samples are as follows: 11 notebooks noting Swiss binding with the picture of Inwang jesaekdo, (see below) and many other books with the good quality. For notes, pictures on the spines are well organized with some calculations, are depicted below. To briefly introduce, Sangjisa P&B has grown solely based on quality and trust over the past 40 years and is currently operating Heidelberg and Luscher’s top-of-the-line machines aiming for one-stop printing ranging from perfect binding to hardcover. We’ve done 20 shipments from 2023, exporting books to U.S. and E.U. countries, and we hope to hear any voices from you. Please visit our website, or email us, Thank you!

Who we are

SANGJISA P& B Co., Ltd. was established in 1983 and has been a printing company for 41 years. Starting with the introduction of the first German printing press, Everything has been done in our facility, from data reception to CTP &, CTF, OFFSET printing, DIGITAL printing, various hardcover & softcover books, Perfect binding books, and PUR binding books are available.

(주) 상지사피앤비는 1983년 설립되어 41년 동안 인쇄 회사로 성장해 왔습니다. 독일 최초의 인쇄기 도입을 시작으로 데이터 수신부터 CTP &, CTF, OFFSET 인쇄, DIGITAL 인쇄, 각종 하드 커버 & 소프트 커버 책자, 퍼펙트 제본 책, PUR 제본 책 등 모든 것이 저희 시설에서 이루어졌습니다.

What we doing

해리포터 / 시리즈 독점 인쇄

이상한 과자 가게 전천당

Hardcover book making 양장제본
Softcover 무선제본
Softcover 무선제본


160, Jaedurumi-gil, Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (zip:10881)

경기도 파주시 재두루미길 160 (우)10881

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